Platiform is an online store that sells ready-made platforms for digital businesses

Choose the perfect platform with professional solutions suited to your business needs

How it works?

Discover the ease of setting up your platform with our user-friendly process. Watch the video and follow along with the steps:


1. Log In or Sign Up
2. Select and Purchase
3. Customize and Pay
4. Set Up and Access


Explore our curated selection of platforms

Frequently Answered Questions

  • What is Platiform?

    Platiform is an online store that sells ready-made platforms for digital businesses.


    Focusing on specific markets such as hospitality, restaurants, e-commerce, and education, it offers personalized solutions that are activated instantly, eliminating the traditional technical and financial barriers associated with digital innovation.


    This allows businesses to launch and scale at a speed and cost previously unimaginable, democratizing the opportunities for success in the competitive digital world.


    With Platiform, technology no longer is a hurdle but becomes an accessible and powerful growth driver for visionary entrepreneurs.

  • How can I customize my website on Platiform?

    With Platiform, you can customize your site using an intuitive user interface. You can alter the design, colors, add specific content, integrate payment tools, and client management systems simply and directly.

  • Does Platiform offer integrations with payment systems and CRM?

    Yes, Platiform supports various integrations with payment systems and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools to facilitate secure and efficient client management and financial transactions.

  • Do I need technical skills to use Platiform?

    No, Platiform is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of technical skill level. Our platform is intuitive and offers step-by-step guides to help you set up and manage your site easily.

  • How can I start using Platiform?

    To get started with Platiform, visit our website and create your account. After registration, you'll have access to the control panel, where you can begin customizing your site and adding the necessary features. We provide customer support and online resources to ensure you make the most of our platform.